december devotion/16

Devotion tonight is devotion to self... (and to this project, because I really don't feel like blogging right now, but I do want to write a bit each day, for the month). I worked a long day on my feet at work, cutting pans and pans of squares, and then assembling boxes of sweets. It's actually harder than it sounds, as there are a bunch of different kinds of squares to keep track of, and the sweet boxes have to have a certain number and variety of squares in them. It's also really sticky and messy work (think icing, and some squares are made of coconut and condensed milk), and on top of that you're also working with clients of the centre, who are adults with intellectual disabilities. Who are great, but, people can be tiring.

 Anyway, I love my job, but it's tiring at Christmas when I help out in the bakery. 

I had planned to go to the gym after, but when I left work tonight my body said, "nope." So I came home. And I'm about to get into bed and read or perhaps ... nap. 

It's hard sometimes to give yourself a break. My Vampire Voices start up, saying things about skipping the gym and being a quitter. It's hard to be good with the work I've done up til now, and to trust that I'll return to my regime once work isn't as tiring and busy. 

But the more you do it the easier it gets. So I'm signing off now, and going to go let my sore feet go "ahhhh" as they snuggle into bed.