When things go quiet

Things here on this blog are quiet. That’s because I’m getting ready. That’s because behind the scenes, wonderful things are happening. My new website has taken form, and it needs me to fill in some content before it’s ready to go live. (Early October is the due date.)

My new logo and brand colours are done. My new way of doing things -- of how I'll blog, how I'll do my social media -- is starting to take form too. I’m pivoting. When I hear that word I think of basketball. Of a player frozen in one pose, not actually taking a step but moving their feet a little bit in a new direction, readying to throw or to start running again.

"My new way of doing things" means: getting crystal clear about my offerings, who I’m serving, what my audience is. It also means changing a few things, tweaking really, about my social media and the content I put out into the world. It’s interesting to me, because when I did Dream Big Cape Breton I never thought about it all in as much detail or depth as I’m thinking about things now. I never thought, “OK, who is my target audience?” And now that I’m looking back I’m realizing that my target audience was quite large! It was something along the lines of “People who love Cape Breton and want to see a positive future for it.” That could be the entire population! It's a lot of people!

Now that I’m pivoting, changing my audience, and getting clear, and also making choices about who I want to serve (which is completely different from the voice in my head that says “try to serve everyone!”), it’s scary. I fear that if I shrink my audience on purpose, that I’ll have a smaller audience, and that I’ll be less popular.

All I can really do is trust my coaches. Trust them when they say, “Yes, but by getting clear about your new audience and niche, you are making it easier for yourself to create content specifically for them, that will really have value and meaning for them, and you’re making it easy-as-pie for them to buy you, to hire you.”

Anyway, I just wanted to drop by this little blog, which I think of as my apartment-in-between-houses blog, a place to stop and rest for a bit before moving on, just to say that things are quiet here for now. And it's because I’m putting all my energy into my new stuff, into doing the work behind the scenes to get ready for the end of the It’s Business Time program at the start of October. I cannot wait to share the new site with you!

And, thanks a million for all your support so far, for me in all my incarnations, whether as “huminbean” or as “Dream Big Cape Breton,” and now as I shift into “Leah Noble Design”. It means the world to me!

xo Leah